Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Health Corner: Why it is a good idea to QUIT SMOKING

Here are convincing points on why people should not smoke:


  • The deadly chemicals in cigarettes, the chemicals in tobacco, the poisons in cigarettes, and the poisons in tobacco comprise over 4,000 cigarette chemicals, including many well known poisons.
  • Cigarettes contain 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other known toxins. Cigarette smoke is deadly. These 43 CANCER-CAUSING CARCINOGENS will mutate your DNA overtime, which will allow cancerous cells to grow and grow through cell tissue in your body.
  • Filters do not remove any of these deadly cigarette chemicals, tobacco chemicals, or poisons in cigarettes. They are just a marketing ploy to trick you into thinking you are smoking a safer cigarette. Most of the chemicals inhaled in cigarette smoke stay in the lungs.
  • Cancer causing chemicals are added to improve the bitter taste of tobacco
  • A chemical similar to rocket fuel helps keep the tip of the cigarette burning hot
  • Ammonia, sucrose, cocoa, and citric acid are added to cigarettes to help nicotine vapor be absorbed through your lungs more quickly to speed the nicotine 'hit'.
  • Acetone is one of the chemicals in cigarettes. Acetone is used as solvent, for example in nail polish remover
  • Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead bodies. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen in cigarette smoke, and also causes respiratory and gastrointestinal problems
In other words, do not smoke cigarettes because there are too many harmful, cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes. Why would anyone want to smoke something that have so many hazardous chemicals? It makes no sense. So I encourage you not to smoke so that you can encourage others not to smoke as well. It's not good for us and eventually it will kill us and will cause us to encounter a painful death. SO DON'T DO IT!!

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